

At the crossroads between FinTech and EdTech (Educational Technology), Parioca Technology aim to shifts pedagogical paradigm with game-changing innovation and disruptive technology!
We believe that this breakthrough solution will contribute to accelerate the process of learning, commitment, and the appropriation of knowledge.

The best modern pedagogy for learners, that puts theory into practice !

A Business Game is a powerful educational tool through which participants learn through experience, managing a virtual business in an interactive, risk-free and particularly realistic environment. Business simulations help to practice and improve managerial skills, such as market understanding, strategic decision making and financial analysis.
Parioca Technology offers the most technologically advanced range of software in Europe. They combine a particularly intuitive and interactive ergonomic interface with an advanced level of economic simulation perfectly realistic.

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It simulates the competitive environment and compare the decisions of the different teams in order to generate quantified results :

  • Quantification of the market (sales, market shares);
  • Results of each team (economic, financial, marketing, production, human ressources, etc.);
  • Information on market developments, consumer expectations, competitor behavior and decisions, etc.
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The key roles of the professor is to give the game a rhythm that brings players to immerse themselves in the context. Multi-skilled, its mission includes specific tasks like :

  • Runing the software, defining the starting scenario, returning the results etc. ;
  • Assuming many different roles as the authorities, bank manager, economic adviser…
  • Helping players to understand the data, summarize lessons from situations experienced, etc.
  • Focuses on the personal and professional development.
Financial Business-plan


They practice skills ranging from market and financial analysis, to decision making and improved teamwork :

  • Learning by doing by a realistic, intensive and rewarding experience ;
  • Solving complex problems taking risks in their thinking, and to explore different options ;
  • Continuous interaction and feedback as learners explore the environment ;
  • Understanding and improving personal and professional skills.

3 solutions for you !

Parioca Technology provides the latest generation of Business Games, delivering a range of 3 versions built on the same powerful, stable and highly scalable online platform.
Each software provides a large amount of economics scenarios available for all kind of student’s profiles. All results can be presented in different languages, accounting systems...
Also, Parioca's simulations includes environmental, social, and governance decisions as part of the core business strategy.

A specific industry or special product type?
Get in touch to co-develop the simulation of your dreams!



Academic Version

It's very easy to teach with Manager4Tomorrow! You just need to Log in, and start the simulation in one click!

- The turnkey solution offers multiple business game scenarios ;
- Its extensive functionality are adaptive and reliable;
- It aims to be easy-to-use for you to successfully run a business simulation !

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Premium Version

Its excellent customisability have allowed us to create a system which exactly matches your requirements focused on results :

- Upgradeable : All settings are adjustable at any moment of the game ;
- Customizable : All parameters are easily personalized;
- Scalable : No teams limits, no players limits, no seize limit, etc.

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NGO Oriented

Manager4Good is a free version developed for NGOs and other partner training centers

- We offer the same quality of service as the paid versions ;
- Specific case studies dealing with the micro business and developpement ;
- Easy to integrate into an educational program ;

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Meet the Parioca's Team

De toda crise nasce uma oportunidade... The Parioca* Technology’s history began in March 2020, during the first containment of the covid-19 pandemic. A group of passionate about Educational Technology realized that actual solutions for financial and economical learning had significant gaps and weaknesses, so they have decided to change the game shifting pedagogical paradigm with a disruptive technology!
After two years of hard effort and amazing passion, the November 22 of 2021, we completed our first live simulation in the “DUT Techniques de Commercialisation de l’IUT de Kourou” , Cayenne, FRANCE.
Since that date, Palyer’s and Professor’s feedback are essential to improving the effectiveness of the business games. Parioca Technology continue investing in research and technology for continual development and improvement.

* Parisien + Carioca = Parioca

Co Founder
  • Retired Professor of Accounting, Economics and Finance
  • Extensive academic experience
  • Business Game Expert
  • Specialist in International Trade and Finance
  • Author of books on Management
Startups Expert
  • Deputy CEO | Innovation Unit at Elvesys
  • PhD in physics and microfluidic
  • Serial Entrepreneur
  • Startups and SMEs Expert
  • Dreamer and Doer
On-and-Off-the-Job training Expert
  • Retired Professor of Université Sorbonne Paris Nord
  • Extensive experience on the African higher education's system
  • Combines his passion for entrepreneurship and education
  • Proactive and Efficient
Chief Marketing Officer
Marketing Expert
  • Chief Marketing Officer
  • Rich experience of working with Early-stage Startups
  • Digital Marketing Specialist
  • Creative and Enthusiastic

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